HPC Mixed Retailer Program


$300.00 $450.00


The HPC Mixed Retailer Program offers a range of new products suitable for various retailers. These products likely cover a wide spectrum of categories, given the inclusion of major retailers like S@MS, WM, TGT, AMZ, HSN, etc.



    • FOB: FL (Free on Board: Florida) indicates that the seller is responsible for the goods until they are loaded onto the vessel or plane in Florida.
    • Unit Count: Each pallet contains 200 or more pieces of products.
    • Pallet Height: The pallets measure between 40″ to 44″ in height, which is important for determining shipping and storage requirements.
    • Condition: All products are new, ensuring they meet quality standards and are ready for retail.
    • Retailers: The program caters to various retailers, including major players like S@MS (possibly Sam’s Club), WM (Walmart), TGT (Target), AMZ (Amazon), HSN (Home Shopping Network), and others. This indicates a broad market reach and potential for widespread distribution.


    • Variety: The program offers a diverse selection of products, appealing to different customer demographics and preferences.
    • Bulk Purchase: With pallets containing 200+ pieces, retailers can acquire significant quantities of products in one order, potentially benefiting from economies of scale.
    • New Products: All items are new, ensuring freshness and relevance to current market trends.
    • Established Retailer Network: The inclusion of major retailers suggests credibility and reliability in the program.

    Possible Installation:

    • Installation would likely involve unloading pallets from delivery trucks and placing them in the appropriate storage or retail space within the store.
    • For online retailers like Amazon, installation would involve adding the products to their online inventory and ensuring they are properly categorized and listed for sale.


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